Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Art and the art of re-invention

Role Reversal

For the last five years I have been showing art and artists in my home gallery space in Montmartre, "chez Grace." I am taking a break til April (when Keith Campagna's abstract paintings will be on view) to do some travelling but most of all to re-invent my career as actor.

Recently an old friend who is a young film director encouraged me to return to the world of cinema/theatre. He extracted the tiny role that I had in the Patrick Timsitt film "l'Américain" (2004) and posted it on Facebook to enormous response from my friends. I am thus duly encouraged to once again admitting that this is my passion and to hitting the pavement again looking for roles.

What I will write here will be a journal of my progress.

Photo above is a still from my role in "l'Américain," in which I was featured as a member of the U.S. government interrogating a wonderfully suave Thierry l'Hermitte.